API Management Made Easy


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A year ago, Simple API (aka SAPI) started simply as an API management Service and quickly turned into a powerful Platform for Developers and Startups in the Mobile, Web, Desktop and TV scene.

The service aims or helps you to easily create REST endpoints and specify its output / response. From static content to 3rd party integrations, meant mostly for JSON responses and app development, the ecosystem grew in ways that a variety of services are now possible to be used separately. Among the free ones, we can name:

  • API Management: Includes webshooks and SOAP API proxying.
  • Database Management: A flexible cloud tool helping you query and manage SQL databases and tables.
  • Keychain: A tool that helps people not only in generating keys and certificates but to store sensitive data. One could create an account in the system to simply use it as to store keep safe passwords, etc.
  • Storage: Storing your assets in the cloud. Another great feature if you decided to upload and save assets.
  • Data Monetisation and Distribution: Meant for sharing data between partners by setting a price (monthly or CPM) as to generate income.
Here’s a sneak peek into SAPI’s Keychain tool…

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 10.10.21 AM.png

Soon, an AI (for natural language and code generation only) Service will be available, helping you create your ChatGPT alike applications.

The Marketplace section is expected to bring business owners in general the ability to go from 0 to 100 (planning to golive) in just a couple of days and boom in the next couple of month as a SSOT Service.

Since it offers sample applications consuming Publicly available or shared APIs (community), it will become easily for one to find the exact content and a application to help them push their own product out in no time.

If you’re wondering how the dashboard looks like, have a look!

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 5.45.05 PM.png

Rumours say Simple API might be dropped as a Web Platform and become available as a Desktop Application only, as some MacOS tests were done with its founder commenting on that possibility on a Twitter post.

We want to invite you to try this amazing Platform, which dares to complete 3scale, Google Apigee and AWS API Gateway.