I have this code that I am running. I use WinXP pro. IIS.
When I run this piece of code it just hangs and then times out.
If i take it out my code works( so I know it's something here).
Any hints?
When I run this piece of code it just hangs and then times out.
If i take it out my code works( so I know it's something here).
Any hints?
if (strtoupper($notify)=="YES") {
$msgtitle = "Test Message from your site";
$vcomment = str_replace(""","\"",$vcomment);
$vcomment = stripslashes($vcomment);
$msgcontent = "Local time : $tgl\n\nThe addition from $vname reads :\n---------------------\n\n$vcomment\n\n-----End Message-----";
mail($admin_email,$msgtitle,$msgcontent,"From: $vemail\n");