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  1. NorseMan

    Div's are hanging on scaling the browser window.

    It is the background image that is scaling, but the two div's is not. I have removed the img_div so I have just big_div and nav_div left. I thought that maybe this would help. I discovered that it is not the nav_div that is not scaling when I minimize the browser window. It doesn't follow the...
  2. NorseMan

    Can't remember - Fell out of this script.

    I got a login script I don't understand a thing of/seen me blind on it. The problem is more than I can understand, but I will try to describe it and try to make you understand the best I can. The login part and the DB are below. Whatever if I am logged in or not, I have admin rights, and those...
  3. NorseMan

    A new site, grid, flex design and what to choose. How to do it?

    A small draft is attached further down in the post. What I'm wondering is how the rest of you here who are familiar with grid design and flex box would set up the page. Below you see some examples of different GRID and FLEX solutions (the only thing that has not been considered or determined is...
  4. NorseMan

    Login, user rights, session ++

    I got an that was written about 2 years ago, a script I can't find out of now. I hope you can What's left of the script is just snippets, or what's left of the code blocks. I really hope someone can help me. It is login and rights that are mostly concerned. Below you will find a picture of the...
  5. NorseMan

    Class script - 2 VSC errors

    I’m struggling with a script. In VSC I get 2 errors that I don’t understand. According to the VSC, the errors are found on line 3 and line 70. Column 41 and 18 Can someone here at PHP Builder be helpful in telling me where and what the error is? I can’t find out what or where it is regardless of...
  6. NorseMan

    PDO connection with error check

    Here is my DB connection: <?php try { $pdo = new PDO(';mydbname=mydb', 'myusername', 'mypassword'); $output = 'Database connection established.'; } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'Unable to connect to the database server: ' . $e->getMessage(); } When it comes to...
  7. NorseMan

    display inline problem

    I've lost my way, and now I can't find the right solution again. I've managed to do this before, but now I can't find the right combination. I have 1 DIV that contains two other DIVs. One is on the left side, and one is on the right side. The right side is the google translate drop down menu...
  8. NorseMan

    Problem with configuring Visual Studio Code again.

    I don't remember how I did this last time. Should the 1st line point to php.exe and the 2nd line point to phpdbg.exe or both pointing to php.exe? After i bought me a new laptop, VSC won't work because i have to re-configure it. Can you guys please tell me witch of the lines should include what...
  9. NorseMan


    Today I use Visual Studio for debugging, but I think this is to advanced in use. Advances in that way it's to complicated to set up with the extensions and configure those manually (in the JSON file I think it's called) to make it debug. I like it happens so much automatic as possible. So my...
  10. NorseMan

    W3 Schools CSS - Card wont center

    I have tried different things to center the card below. But it doesn't. What am I doing wrong? The other styles are working, but it won't center, no matter what. Maybe there is a simple solution for this, but as said, it doesn't work. I have tried inline CSS too. Is it a simple solution for...
  11. NorseMan

    Web safe colors

    I dont know if this belongs here on CSS, on HTML or miscellaneous, but I posted it here on CSS. I remember back in time we had the standard called web safe colors. Reason I ask is because I am not sure if this is something that is applicable today, but how important is it with websafe colors...
  12. NorseMan

    session_start(); and a little more

    Struggling a little, or a lot I would rather say with a scrip I set up over a 2-year period where I tried to get back to the old me as a programmer. I had a good number of skills before, but when you don't program anything at all during 12-15 years, it is quickly forgotten, and when you have to...
  13. NorseMan

    Image, wrapping text around it and auto hight on div..

    For this, I've tried most things, but never quite got it to work the way I want it to. Hope you can tell me about the solution for this. Actually, there are two questions here. 1 - I have a div with another div inside. This is the main div which should contain text and the second div which...
  14. NorseMan

    <div> Full 100% width

    What am I doing wrong? I want the <div> to strech out 100% to the right as well. It is like this in Chrome, Opera and Edge. Attached under the picture is the CSS and the HTML. div.content1 { /*text-align: center;*/ font-family: "Consolas", "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida...
  15. NorseMan

    CSS background-image-size etc

    Finally, I found out how to scale background images automatically depending on the viewport/screen size and the screen resolution. I bought myself a new book about CSS3 and HTML5. But there is a thing missing in the book. It doesn't tell me..... Ok, I start over. I want to use a different...
  16. NorseMan

    What is this __DIR__

    What is this doing: __DIR__ What is it called (__DIR__)?
  17. NorseMan

    Error on different lines.

    I get an error on line 38, 39, 52, 56, 58, 63 and 71. I cant find the error. I am looking and looking 😮 Can you help me find it? <?php class EntryPoint { private $route; public function __construct($route) { $this->route = $route; $this->checkUrl(); } private function checkUrl() {...
  18. NorseMan

    Not funny when you forget to be structured

    Funny thing when you get so hung up on things because a small glimpse of a feeling of mastery because you manage something that you haven't mastered in many years. When you deal with something that is structured and you forget to be structured yourself😂🤪 I have developed some different PHP files...
  19. NorseMan

    PDO Error Check

    I have developed this database connection. I took a little from here and a little from there. I began to study it more closely.  As I understand this, if this fails, it will release a lot of information to website visitors, such as passwords etc. Actually, the user does not need a lot of error...
  20. NorseMan

    Space before and after period...

    I think i got some trouble with the code pasted below: include __DIR__.'/../Templates/' .$templateFileName; Is it correct with a space before and after the period or not? I have pasted an example without space.